Fletcher Bright Realty
Kathy Pittman REALTOR®, Fletcher Bright RealtyPhone: (615) 335-2849
Email: [email protected]

Tag: Outdoor Garden

Posted on 01/13/2021
Native Gardening: Why the Trend Is Flourishing
Photo by Larisa Koshkina via PixabayRestoring native habitat to our surroundings is like pressing the "refresh" button on biodiversity. Homeowners who embrace native gardening are making big contributions to healthy landscapes, which is great for maintaining the native ecosystems. Making a Difference—Beautifully Native plants are the greenery that would grow in certain areas with or without human intervention....
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Posted on 06/17/2020
Gardening Tips for Growing Roses in a Warmer Climate
Photo by Silvia via Pixabay Most people associate roses with English cottage gardens and northern cities such as Portland, Oregon, which has proudly carried the nickname "The City of Roses" for over a century. It's common garden lore that roses can't successfully be grown in areas that don't receive a few months of cold temperatures, but some varieties...
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