Fletcher Bright Realty
Kathy Pittman REALTOR®, Fletcher Bright RealtyPhone: (615) 335-2849
Email: [email protected]

Tag: Carbon Monoxide

Posted on 12/06/2023
Tips for carbon monoxide detector placement & use
Carbon monoxide leaks are an emergency situation. Gas stoves, dryers, furnaces, wood-burning fireplaces and other gas or flame-ignited appliances are all potential sources of carbon monoxide leaks. Carbon monoxide poisoning causes headaches, nausea and other symptoms, which can turn into a life-threatening emergency with continued exposure to this gas. But don't fret. Carbon monoxide detectors can provide you...
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Posted on 11/23/2022
Signs of a gas leak in your home
Gas leaks are a dangerous problem for homeowners. These leaks, which can occur from gas stoves, fireplaces and other gas-powered appliances, cause natural gas to build up inside your house, which can lead to serious and potentially deadly health problems. So it's important to know when you might have a gas leak. Here are a few of the...
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Posted on 11/24/2021
Protect Your Home With Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay Much like fire detectors, carbon monoxide detectors are small pieces of equipment that could potentially save your life. These small detectors can easily be plugged into any outlet, and their excessively loud alarm is designed to alert you immediately to danger. Carbon monoxide detectors will sound the alarm if there are high levels...
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